WordPress Administration & CMS System

WordPress Administration

Content Management System: WordPress Administration

WordPress uses a User “role” system, which natively supports administrators, editors and subscribers. These “roles” can be changed, or added to, and custom roles can be created.

The entire WordPress Administration area can be locked down so certain tasks can be undertaken by certain roles. This feature already supports the feature of users submitting posts/pages/content for review by a higher level user role. It also natively supports scheduled posts, and when published (manually or via a schedule) the pages are instantly available.

Once published content automatically gets added to the linked RSS feed and can be accessed right away. The WordPress admin can be set to only load via SSL (SSL certificate on the hosting account is required).

Content Management System: Database

Uploading and use of images and media via WordPress is one of its leading areas.

File uploads and simple and can have any number of custom meta data assigned to them just like posts and other content. Bulk uploading is also possible. File sizes, dimensions and other meta data is already built into WordPress Administration and “just works”

Enquiry Handling

WordPress has multiple “plugin” contact forms. There are many which will suit the needs of enquiries and specifically we promote the use of “gravity forms” which Gambit Nash hold a commercial use licence. Not only does this allow people to submit messages to email addresses, but it also handles file submission and insertion of enquires into the database for later access by WordPress administration users.

The plugin nature of WordPress means any number of forms can be created, and placed in any number of locations via simple use of what is called the “shortcode” api. This api allows any content creator to simply insert a tag like so “” into any content area and the form will be displayed and processed “on page” without page redirects. This plugin also feature input validation and security scanning of any data provided.