



Support Services for Online Assets

As a creative web and software company, we understand the importance of providing ongoing support for the products we develop. We believe that our responsibility extends beyond the initial launch and delivery and we are committed to ensuring the long-term success of your websites and digital assets.

That’s why we offer a generous warranty on all digital products and a range of support options to cater to your specific needs beyond the warranty period.

Whether you require ad hoc support for occasional issues or have a preference for a more structured approach with a contractual support arrangement, we have you covered.

If you host your websites or digital assets with us, then you already have access to our hosting support. Click here to find out more about our hosting support.

Already a customer? Do you need support?

Our highest level of warranty support

During the initial 3-month warranty period, our support service treats your digital assets as if they were under the Enterprise support package described below. This means that issues encountered during the warranty period will receive the same level of urgency and rapid response as our Enterprise package.

Three Month Support Warranty

We include a generous 3-month support warranty on all online products we develop. This warranty covers any issues or bugs that may arise during the initial period after product delivery/launch.

During the 3-month support warranty period, our team is available to address any technical issues or bugs promptly (please see the tables below for definitions and target response times).

Our experienced professionals will work diligently to identify and resolve any issues, ensuring that your product operates seamlessly and meets your expectations.

By providing this support warranty, we aim to give you added peace of mind and reassurance. We understand that launching a new product can come with unforeseen challenges and our support warranty serves as a safety net, allowing clients to rely on us for timely assistance and bug fixes.

Beyond the warranty period

Ad hoc Support

Our Ad hoc Support Services provide on-demand assistance for your digital assets and websites. Whether you need troubleshooting, updates, or ad-hoc requests, our dedicated team is here to help.

We work closely with you to understand your needs, provide transparent cost estimates and do our best to offer timely support.

Please note – Ad hoc Support Services require investigation, a specific cost agreement and scheduling before being undertaken. Our ‘Ad hoc Support on Account’ service described below, is designed to help expedite this potential delay.

Contact us today to discuss your support needs and receive the assistance you require.

Ad hoc Support on Account - A quicker support solution

Ad hoc support services from a prepaid account offer a speedier and more efficient support experience compared to our standard ad hoc service. With a prepaid account, you will have already allocated funds or support credits, allowing for quicker response times and expedited assistance.

Having a prepaid account eliminates the need for cost agreements and approvals for each individual support request. This streamlined process enables our team to promptly address your needs without the additional steps of estimating costs and finalising agreements.

Under this method, we maintain a record of the time used for each ad hoc support request. We notify the client about the time used, including a breakdown of the services provided and the corresponding time deducted from their account.

This proactive communication allows clients to have a clear understanding of the time remaining in their account. It helps them monitor their usage, plan future support requests accordingly and assess the available support resources.

Contractual Support Packages – Total peace of mind

Choosing a contractual support package offers several advantages over relying solely on ad hoc support services, as described above:

Consistency and Predictability: With a contractual support service, you benefit from a predetermined level of support and a defined service agreement. This provides a consistent and predictable support experience in terms of response times, issue resolution and overall service quality. Ad hoc support, on the other hand, can be more variable and may not offer the same level of consistency.

Proactive Support: Contractual support services often include proactive monitoring and maintenance of your digital assets or websites. This proactive approach helps identify and address potential issues before they escalate into major problems, reducing downtime and minimising disruptions to your business operations. Ad hoc support services typically focus on resolving specific issues as they arise, without the added proactive monitoring element.

Priority and Dedicated Resources: Contractual support services typically provide prioritised access to support resources. This means that your issues receive higher priority and dedicated attention from a team of professionals who are familiar with your systems. Ad hoc support may not offer the same level of immediate response or dedicated resources, as availability can vary based on demand and other factors.

Cost Efficiency: Contractual support services often offer cost advantages compared to ad hoc support. By entering into a contract, you can secure more favourable pricing, as well as budget and plan for your support expenses in advance. Ad hoc support services, on the other hand, may involve varying costs per incident, making it more difficult to predict and manage your support budget effectively.

Long-Term Relationship: Contractual support services foster a long-term relationship with the support provider. This allows the support team to develop a deep understanding of your specific needs, systems and business requirements. They can provide tailored solutions and recommendations based on this knowledge, leading to more effective and customised support. Ad hoc support services may not offer the same level of familiarity and personalised assistance.

While ad hoc support services can be valuable for one-time or occasional needs, choosing a contractual support service offers a more comprehensive and reliable support solution. It provides consistent, proactive and prioritised support, leading to enhanced system stability, reduced downtime and optimised performance for your digital assets or websites.

Contractual Support Packages

Our commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond the initial warranty period as well. After the support warranty expires, we offer flexible contractual support and maintenance packages tailored to our client’s ongoing needs. This ensures that they can continue to receive the necessary support and updates to keep their digital product running smoothly.

Our contractual support services not only provide peace of mind but also enable businesses to focus on their core operations while knowing that their digital assets are in safe hands.

After the initial 3-month warranty period, we offer three contractual support packages: Standard, Advanced and Enterprise. These packages provide extended support and maintenance for your digital assets.


cost effective support
  • Priority maintenance and alerts
  • Access to support features
  • Critical response time of 2 days


expedited support
  • Priority maintenance and alerts
  • Access to advanced support features
  • Critical response time of 1 day


our best level of support
  • Priority maintenance and alerts
  • Access to customised support features
  • Critical response time of 4 hours

Response targets

In the Standard package, we strive to respond to critical issues within 2 days. Our support team will promptly investigate the reported issues and, in most cases, provide a resolution or work-around during the initial response.

With the Advanced package, we further expedite our response time. Critical issues will receive a response within 1 day. We understand the urgency of resolving such matters swiftly and will immediately begin investigating the reported issues.

For the highest level of support, our Enterprise package guarantees an even faster response time. Critical issues under this package will be responded to within 4 hours. We prioritise these issues to minimise any disruption to your operations.

Response Target by Level of Support
Under Warranty
Priority 1 (p1): Critical
4 Working Hours
2 Working Days
1 Working Day
4 Working Hours
Priority 2 (P2): High
1 Working Day
3 Working Days
2 Working Days
1 Working Day
Priority 3 (P3): Medium
5 Working Days
10 Working Days
8 Working Days
5 Working Days
Priority 4 (P4): Low
7 Working Days
15 Working Days
10 Working Days
7 Working Days

Complex issues

It’s important to note that while we make every effort to resolve issues promptly, some cases may require additional time. In such instances, we will inform you about the required extra time, any work-around possibilities and schedule the work following the initial investigation. We believe in transparent communication and will keep you updated throughout the process.

In summary

By selecting one of our contractual support packages, you can expect a swift, considered response from our team as we promptly investigate and address your concerns. This ensures that you receive the necessary assistance to maintain the optimal performance and functionality of your online platforms.

Request a quote for your contractual support services

Please use the form to contact us. Provide your details and we will get back to you soon to arrange your contractual  support services.

Prioritising your support to meet your expectations

When prioritising support tickets for online digital assets, such as websites or applications, we categorise them based on their impact level: Critical, High, Medium, or Low. This helps us determine the urgency and order in which they need to be addressed.

Support Priority Definitions

Description / Example
P1: Critical
The Customer has detected an Error that is preventing the operation of the System for all or most users
P2: High
The Customer has detected an Error that extensively impacts the operation of the System, affecting most users.
P3: Medium
The Customer has detected an intermittent or minor Error that does not extensively impact the operation of the System, or which can be worked around
P4: Low
The Customer or our monitoring tools (Sentry) has detected an error that is not visible or not impacting many users.

We consider your priorities

We respect our clients' understanding of what is most important and when it is required. Within our contractual support services, we acknowledge that certain situations may arise where specific updates or tasks need to be given a higher priority based on our client's needs and impending events.
  For instance, if you have updates or changes required for an upcoming event or time-sensitive project, we take that into careful consideration when determining the priority of the task. We recognise the importance of aligning our support efforts with your business objectives and deadlines.

Impact and Urgency - Support Priority Matrix

The Support Priority Matrix is a widely used tool for prioritising and categorising support incidents for online digital assets. It helps determine the urgency and importance of each incident, enabling support teams to allocate appropriate resources and address issues efficiently. The matrix typically takes into account two factors: impact and urgency.

  1. Impact: Impact refers to the extent to which an incident affects users and business operations. Incidents with higher impact have a more significant effect on functionality, user experience or security. Examples include system outages, major functionality failures or security breaches. Lower impact incidents may involve minor issues or cosmetic problems that have a minimal effect on users.

  2. Urgency: Urgency indicates the speed at which an incident needs to be resolved. Urgent incidents require immediate attention and resolution, while less urgent incidents can be addressed within a longer timeframe. Urgency is often determined based on factors such as business criticality, user expectations or contractual agreements.

By considering both impact and urgency, incidents can be classified into different priority levels within the support priority matrix. For example:

Gambit Nash Support Priority Matrix
Critical Priority (P1):
Incidents that have a high impact and require immediate resolution fall into this category. These incidents can cause severe disruptions to user experience or business operations. Examples include system-wide outages or critical security vulnerabilities.
High Priority (P2):
Incidents with a significant impact but slightly lower urgency are categorised as high priority. These incidents may affect specific features, functionalities or a subset of users, causing notable disruptions or limitations.
Medium Priority (P3):
Incidents with moderate impact and urgency fall into this category. They may have a noticeable but manageable effect on users or business operations. These incidents can include intermittent issues or feature requests that impact a smaller user base.
Low Priority (P4):
Incidents with low impact and lower urgency are classified as low priority. These incidents typically involve minor issues, cosmetic problems or general enquiries that have minimal impact on users or operations.

The Support Priority Matrix allows our support team to effectively allocate resources and prioritise incidents based on their impact and urgency. By doing so, they can ensure that critical issues receive immediate attention while efficiently managing and resolving other incidents to maintain the functionality and performance of online digital assets.

Get in touch with us today to arrange comprehensive support for your websites or digital assets.