Pre-launch Marketing- Just How Important is it?

Everyday new websites, apps, games, videos etc go live on the internet. The best way to ensure that your launch goes successfully is to compile a pre-launch marketing plan. Pre-launch marketing plans can facilitate a vast variety of benefits for your start up which is why it is vital you have one.

Before you even consider pushing your products service take the time to really understand who your customer is and the current market your product/ service falls into. Ask yourselves what it is your customer wants and how you can help. Without proper research you and your business could waste a lot of money on unnecessary marketing which will bring you little to no return in sales.

Your Pre-launch plan doesn’t need to be complex or long. Simply explain your target customers, competitors, promotional methods, budget and timings. Set objectives too. Your plan should take into account the 4Ps – product; price; place; and promotion – otherwise known as the ‘Marketing Mix’.

The earlier you start getting found for the keywords related to your startup, the better. The best way to do this is by creating good, relevant content like blogs, videos, graphics and quality links on sites that matter to your industry.

Set up your social media channels and get busy.Maintain a consistent social media voice and presence to build a fan base leading up to the launch. Create fresh content. By the time you launch, everyone will be waiting in line to get in!. Set up your website as just a web page, for now, and include basic information, links to your social media channels, a signup or pre-order form and press mentions as they come in.Twitter is a good tool to make initial contact because it’s filled with tech-savvy early adopters and influencers.

YouTube is the #2 search engine in the world, and videos do wonders for your search ranking and helping people find you.Once you own the search space, it becomes more difficult for a newcomer to bump you out and will dissuade them from trying.

Establish yourself as an authority in your industry early on. By researching your industry you may come across forums or blogs – become a member and contribute to what others are saying, maybe even drop a link here or there. By actually contributing and adding value to what others post people will be more inclined to follow you and trust in you and your business.

So what do you think, are pre-launch marketing plans a good idea? Do you think we left anything out? Let us know on the comment section.