The story of our own websites… so far

Project ‘Interim Website’

Back in late 2014, our office at Nash Works was a hive of activity. We had just decided to form Gambit Nash through a strategic merger of historical businesses dating back over 40 years.

The merger had become a necessity. Prior to this we were already working together on many projects between our respective companies, and this increasingly made projects more difficult to administer. Differing accounts, procedures, scheduling, and client bases were creating headaches that needed to be resolved. Gambit Nash was that resolution and since then we have not looked back (except over coffee and a spoon full of nostalgia).

Back to the hive of activity… We quickly realised that none of our then current websites were suitable for showcasing the new format of our united business. We had a design and print site, a digital marketing blog and a software development site but not one that could communicate all our skills in a united way. We were very busy with our increasing workload but realised that we would need to carve out time to create our first website and marketing materials.

Working during the day for our clients and fitting our site into the gaps between, many evenings and weekends also disappeared into spinning up our new company. ‘Project Interim Website’ was completed to MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and launched in the first quarter of 2015.

This was a clean, modern site with strong visual content. Like our new company, it was a collection of once separated services. It told many stories and gave us a focus for our online presence. It was a quick and targeted fix that gave us just what we needed to communicate who we were and what we could do.

The intention was to build upon the site. Allow it to evolve as our business changed and grew. To some extent it did just that. New services and features were added to the growing ‘library’ of stories the website told but overall, the website remained primarily the same.

During the life of our ‘Interim’ site, we have launched hundreds of websites for our clients. Our skills have improved, our tools have changed and with each client site came new and innovative approaches that simply were not reflected in our own website. The structure of the website was becoming an ill fit. Gambit Nash had become a fully integrated creative development agency with a strong unified story, but this story was not being told in the best way by our website. By 2020 we knew we needed to rethink our site, as it had become a bit like the Cobbler’s Kids’ Shoes.

Project ‘Update Website’

Until last week (24th October 2023), ‘Project Interim website’ was still going. Creaking under the age of its technology, looking a little tired but most of all, not fully reflecting the structure, unity and working practices that our teams have developed since the beginning of Gambit Nash.

We have wonderful clients who will always take priority over our own projects. Unfortunately, that means that often our busy work schedules do not allow for much time to concentrate on what we needed as Gambit Nash. As an IT based Creative agency who develops websites for our clients, we needed to address the short comings of our own site. With the ‘Interim’ website as it’s guide, ‘Project Update’ began.

Fast forward to today, and we are excited to present our new website. It has been a long project that has been worked on in bursts of activity since 2020. The design has been refined, the content has been tuned and the structure has been revised into the website you see here today.

We have put extra effort into making it easy for you to find what you are looking for. Just like any website project, our site is a work in progress, and we believe in continuous improvement. Our commitment to evolving our new website goes hand in hand with our belief that a website should never be considered as completed. We will soon be introducing sections featuring some of our clients’ work to showcase a more comprehensive view of our capabilities.

Your feedback is highly valued, so please leave a reply below or use our contact form to share your thoughts. Your input is essential as we refine and enhance our online presence. Keep an eye out for further updates, including the upcoming work showcase, as we strive for an ever improving and dynamic user experience.

We hope you enjoy exploring our new website as much as we do and we look forward to hearing from you.

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