Why Blogs Are Vital To Your Business.


Blogs are a crucial part to any business, affecting both online interest and real life sales. In this blog post I’ll be giving you the key points as to why you should blog and the benefits of taking time out of your busy work schedule to compose a small but powerful blog post that could boost interest in your business.

“The influence of blogging is overall a very positive force in the media”. – Garrett Graff

A Blog Get You Noticed:

Are you always wondering why your business is stuck back on page three of Google when your local competitor are on page one staring you in the face? Well the answer is simple, they blog. When you create and publish a fresh article onto your website you are providing search engines like Google with new content to index. Writing a blog is essential to keep your website popular and fresh and the more content you publish, the more likely you are to start climbing up those rankings. Your blog doesn’t have to be thousands and thousands of words, all you need is a three hundred word article, don’t try to over complicate it.


The more you blog the more you know. If you are constantly blogging about your business and the industry that you are in, you’re going to become an authority in your field of expertise. Let me give you an example, if you own a florist and you are constantly writing articles about the vast array of flowers and their different meanings of said flowers, then you’re going to become a go to place for information about flowers, people will know that your website houses all the information that they could possibly want and need.

Telling your story:

A blog is a great and effective way to tell people your businesses story. You can tell people all about you, what you do, what you sell and how you came to be. This allows customers to relate to you and your business on a personal level, putting a face to the company is a very effective way to gain customers and clients.

It’s always there:

Once you have written your blog, it’s always going to be there, whether it is six days or six months down the line, you can always post it onto your company’s social channels no matter how old it is, so long as the article in question is still relevant to your industry.

Want More?

If you would like to read more of our blogs here at Gambit Nash head on over to our blog page.

You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all the latest news surrounding Gambit Nash.

Or if you are interested in us helping you and your business, feel free to check out our online marketing page.

One Response

  1. I agree entirely, especially with the “It’s always there” part – I’ve got posts on my blog that are a year or so old that get daily traffic, sometimes more so than newer posts.

    Great article! 🙂